photo by Noah Stephens

Winter Solstice

In the Northern Hemisphere December 21st marks the Winter Solstice which is the shortest day of the year as the Earth’s North Pole tilts the farthest away from the sun. This small group was invited to wear an outfit from the collection for an embodied movement contemplative retreat to listen, dream, and consider what in our lives might need to be released in this season of rest so that new life may emerge come spring.

The ‘Winter Solstice Collection’ is 1 part of a 7 part collection of fiber art clothing pieces exploring themes of circular fashion and a circular sense of time using the ancient ‘Celtic Wheel Of The Year’ calendar to ground on the land we inhabit in Detroit.  The larger project is called ‘All Creatures Here Below’ and has 55 outfits, all made from landfill rescue items. This project aims to challenge preconceived notions of what is ‘in fashion’ and instead present a futuristic, dream-like vision of tribes of people who make their clothing using the materials they have at hand, in a way that considers people, the planet and the power of self-expression. 


Samhain Collection


Imbolc Collection